Serval is a real example of grace and beauty, and also the rarest breed of pets


Serval is a real example of grace and beauty, and also the rarest breed of pets

Serval is a wild cat native to the African steppes. Usually found south of the Sahara Desert. The cat has a slender body, long legs and huge ears.

The serval is predominantly brown with black or dark brown spots. This color helps the cat in the wild to camouflage when hunting in tall grass.

The serval is a solitary animal. In captivity, with proper care, it lives up to 20 years. The ancient Egyptians worshiped the beauty and power of the serval.
Serval's behavior

Serval is a shy and timid animal, but very active. Serval doesn't like being chased. You need to wait for the serval to show confidence in you, to come to you on his own, out of curiosity or for a favorite toy.

Don't try to force your serval to communicate with your guests. If there are children in the house, they should be under constant supervision, not only in the interests of the serval, but also in the interests of the child.

Servals get along with pets, but it takes time for them to get used to each other. However, care must be taken if there is a new small pet, such as a kitten, in the house with the serval. The serval may think it is a toy and harm it.

If you are away often and for a long time, your serval will be bored. Serval cannot be left unattended for a long time, you need to have people in your environment whom the serval will trust for the period of your absence.
Serval and man

When purchasing a serval cat as a pet, you need to consider the special requirements for caring for it. It must be remembered that the serval is a wild animal.

Treating a Serval with the love and respect it deserves will create a bond that will last for years to come. He will need your attention, greet you when he meets you, trust you.

Serval contact

Чтобы завоевать доверие вашего сервала, нужно иметь терпение. Кормите его, играйте с ним, хвалите его, (сервалы очень хорошо понимают интонацию речи), но никогда не кричите на него. Самый эффективный способ установить связь с сервалом, это расположиться вместе с ним на полу, и так, лежа, играть с ним его любимой игрушкой. Важно, чтобы вы не возвышались над ним, а были на одном уровне. Никогда не удерживайте сервала физически против его воли, помните, он должен прийти к вам сам.

Serval in the house

It should be borne in mind that for your serval in the house there must be sufficient space to meet its needs. The Serval's home should be a specially prepared safe room, free of chemicals, fragile knickknacks, glass, electrical wires and other items that could pose a threat to his health. Windows and doors in the house where the serval is located must be closed. Serval also needs an aviary for walking. The aviary must be of sufficient length, as well as height, since the serval jumps up to 3 meters. To prevent the serval from jumping out, the aviary must have a roof.

Serval nutrition

Compared to the food of a normal house cat, the serval should contain more nutrients. In the wild, servals usually feed on small animals, birds, and rodents. At home, one of the most important nutritional requirements for a serval is a sufficient amount of calcium in the diet, especially during the growth period, servals have weak paws, and they are very susceptible to injury at the age of 5 to 12 months. Servals should receive the main part of calcium from animal bones. For the digestive system, grass should be given once a week. It is imperative that the serval house has a sufficient amount of clean water for drinking. Keep in mind that servals love to play with water, so for safety reasons you need to make sure the toilet lid is closed and there is no open container of chemical cleaners.

It is recommended to feed the serval with raw poultry meat with bone (chicken, duck, quail, turkey), you can give rabbit meat. Offer your servala also cheese, fruit, salad. Kittens from 6 months of age happily eat a whole chicken wing. Servals cannot be fed cooked (boiled, fried) meat. Adult servals should be given as much food as they want, but do not leave food for more than 2 hours. An adult serval eats meat from 1 to 3 kg per day. The amount of food can vary, it is normal if your serval will eat a lot one day and almost refuse to eat the next day.
Serval toys

Servals are very playful. They are like dogs bringing a toy in their teeth so that you can throw it away again. They can run and play for hours. They love to splash in the water.

Small Serval can buy toys designed for domestic cats, but as the Serval matures, toys designed for dogs will do. Toys should be selected that are safe, bearing in mind that the serval will chew and swallow them.
Your serval's health

Servals are very hardy, but you need to be prepared for the fact that your pet may get sick. The first sign of malaise is a sudden change in mood, vomiting, diarrhea, tension during urination. In this case, it is better to contact your veterinarian.

As a prophylaxis, vaccinations are recommended, the same as for domestic cats. Serval sterilization is best done for 4 to 6 months.

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