The Savannah cat is one of the largest domestic cat breeds.
Domestic cats of the Savannah breed are a unique example of a feline. This breed is highly regarded for its large yet graceful body shape. They have an exotic color and have a developed intelligence, which is reminiscent of the African Serval. At the same time, they have a docile nature, and this circumstance makes them very convenient for keeping at home.
Savannah breeding history

African Serval has long attracted breeders with its graceful forms and grace. In the early 1970s, systematic work began to develop a new cat breed based on this African animal. The work went on for more than ten years and was crowned with success. A breed was bred, which to this day pleases cat lovers.
The first Savannah F1 was a cross between a Siamese cat and a male Serval. Bengal breeder Judy Frank conducted this experiment and got a brilliant result. Then it was the turn of the then little-known breeder Patrick Kelly. He bought the kittens from Judy Frank and, with the help of renowned breeder Joyce Sroufe, began work on improving the breed. And then he began to popularize it.

The work on the recognition of this breed was also not easy and took a lot of time and effort. In 1996, Patrick Kelly and Joyce Sroufe released the original Savannah standards and submitted them to TICA (International Cat Association). In 2001, the breed was officially recognized and registered.
Features and benefits of the Savannah breed

The genetic background of this breed is excellent. Savannahs are the product of crossing the majestic African Serval with one of the domestic cat breeds: Egyptian Mau, Oriental Shorthair or Bengal.

The first generation of these cats when crossed with a Serval is marked as F1. This generation contains 50% of Serval's blood.
The second generation - hatched by crossing F1 and domestic cats, is marked as F2. This generation already has 25% of Serval's blood.

Third generation - F3 celebrated. It has an even lower content of Serval's blood and is no longer genetically valuable.

And so on, up to the 5th generation (F5). It should be remembered and taken into account that the larger the numerical value near F, the more kittens look like an ordinary cat. Males of this breed of cats are sterile up to the 4th generation. In order to obtain a genetically high-quality Savannah generation, they are crossed with Serval. This method allows obtaining the most valuable breeds.
The appearance of Savannah cats

Savannah is somewhat similar in appearance to a mini cheetah. She is distinguished by a noble posture. At the same time, unusually large ears, long legs and the famous cheetah color stand out clearly. The coat of this cat is short and rather soft. It does not require special care and is not a hassle even during molting.

The dimensions of Savannah depend primarily on the generation, which reflects the percentage of Serval's blood content:
- males of generation F1 and F2 - they are larger than an ordinary domestic cat. Reach 45 cm at the withers and weigh up to 14 kg;
- females of generation F1 and F2 are smaller. Height up to 40 cm. Weight up to 12 kg;
- males and females of the F3 and F4 generations - this is reflected in height and weight, as well as on the activity of behavior.

At the same time, due to their tall, lanky and graceful physique, even the lightest Savannah seems much larger and heavier than it really is.

The long hind legs are often higher than the front ones, the ears often have so-called eyes. Many of the breed have dark "tear streaks" or "cheetah tears". Kittens are born with blue eyes, but they gradually turn into green, brown, gold.
TICA (International Cats Association) describes the Savannah Cat standard as follows: spotted pattern including brown, black, silver and silver smoke, marbled, marbled tabby, purple and chocolate.
Savannah character

The appearance and size of this cat undoubtedly influenced her inner world. She is distinguished by individual character traits. Very energetic, resourceful and playful - this cat is somewhat like a dog. Moreover, she has a high intelligence and understands her masters well.

It is easy to train, although this term is hardly acceptable in relation to the savannah. Most likely, she learns and easily remembers what the owners want from her. Food for this cat should not be made fancy, they are almost omnivorous.
Such a cat can easily learn to play "aport" and ride in a car with pleasure. She will not be irritated by the collar and obediently walk on a leash along the street with her owner. Unlike regular cats, Savannah won't mind bathing as she loves water. But these cats do not like the cold very much, like their distant ancestors from Africa.

Savannah is literally legendary. These cats can serve as protectors from robbers; there are cases when they literally saved their owners. Excellent athletes, they can jump high.
When deciding to get a Savannah F1 cat, first of all, remember that you are not just buying a cat, but getting a kind and reliable, but at the same time smart friend. Such a cat will make its owners kinder and at the same time decorate their life with its cheerful character.
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